“World Energy Outlook 2017” Turkey Presentation
Sabancı University Istanbul International Center for Energy and Climate (IICEC) hosted the Turkey presentation of the World Energy Outlook 2017 report. The report was presented by International Energy Agency Executive Director and IICEC Honorary Chairman Dr. Fatih BİROL.
Introductory remarks of the meeting were delivered by Prof. Carmine DIFIGLIO, Director of IICEC; Erol BİLECİK, Chairperson of TÜSİAD; Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ, President of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Industry, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Science Commission.
Prof. Carmine DIFIGLIO underlined that studies and government policies will not achieve sound energy outcomes unless they are supported by sustainable actions by industry and said “that is why IICEC has been formed on the Government-Business-Academia triangle.”
In his opening remarks, Erol BİLECİK said “Both social development and economic growth targets require supply security. We have to build the energy supply-demand balance for long-term and strong way. We must establish a transparent, predictable and more competitive market for this. We also need to see speedy progress in energy efficiency as an important goal. We believe that as a public and private sector, we must firmly establish an ecosystem that will bring our renewable energy resources to a maximum level. At this point, we consider the regulatory framework that will encourage investment and the network infrastructure that will enable implementation to be the most effective.”
Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ stated that Turkey increases the rate of energy demand every year and continued “In the energy sector, where private industry is the locomotive, there is a projection of growth from production to distribution. We have made an important step in liberalizing electricity. We are trying to do this in natural gas as well. Renewable resources are essential.”
"The US moves to world leadership in shale oil and shale gas"
Following the introductory remarks, International Energy Agency Executive Director and IICEC Honorary Chairman Dr. Fatih BİROL presented the World Energy Outlook 2016 report. Dr. BİROL said:
“Despite falling oil prices, the US will continue to be the world's largest producer of shale oil and shale gas. The fact that new resources are in use at a low cost causes US oil and gas production to a higher level than other countries have been able to achieve. The US, which is already a net exporter of natural gas, is also a net exporter in petroleum by the end of 2020.”
Dr. BİROL continued “The report describes different ways for global energy. Global energy demand is less than in the past, but will increase by 30% by 2040. China has to expand its existing electrical infrastructure by as much as US until 2040 to meet increasing demand;
India needs to add an electricity network to the size of the present European Union. The technology used by China and India will reduce costs. The world's way of meeting its ever-increasing energy needs has undergone a major change over the past 25 years. We see natural gas at the first place, followed by the rise of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Renewable resources meet 40% of the main demand, the renewable energy burst in the electricity sector, the end of the golden age of the car. The majority of this is due to the plants in construction.
India's share of energy in energy sources will fall below 50 percent in 2040. While natural gas usage reaches 45% in 2040, the most favorable area for growth will be the industry, as the field of use in the electricity sector is gradually narrowing. Nuclear energy, China, is at the beginning of the increase in production. By 2030, it has left the United States behind and becomes the world's largest producer of nuclear power. "
Electricity will account for 40% of final consumption
“Electricity is growing faster than energy. In the near future world electricity demand will grow by more than 60%. It will get more investment from oil and natural gas. Electricity will account for 40% of final consumption up to 2040, which is equal to the growth of the oil in the last 25 years. Industrial electric motor systems constitute one third of the increase in electricity demand. Thanks to the increase in purchasing power, millions of households are increasing in number of electrical appliances, among them "smart" and connected devices are important and cooling systems are spreading. With the increase in access to electricity, there are 45 million new electricity consumers every year in the world, but this is still far from reaching its goal of universal access in 2030.” said Dr. BİROL.