23 February 2021
Istanbul, Turkey
IICEC Webinar on “A New Era in Global Energy and Climate Policies: What is Next with the New U.S. Administration?”
Sabancı University Istanbul International Climate and Energy Center (IICEC) organised a webinar on “A New Era in Global Energy and Climate Policies: What is Next with the New U.S. Administration?” on February 23, 2021.
The participants of the webinar were:
Welcoming Remarks
- Güler Sabancı, Founding Chair, Sabancı University Board of Trustees
Keynote Address: “A Global Perspective”
- Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Guest of Honor Speech: “Energy and Climate Priorities of the New U.S. Administration”
- Prof. Ernest J. Moniz, 13th U.S. Secretary of Energy under President Obama
- Moderator: Prof. Fuat Keyman, Vice President, Sabancı University
- Ahmet Erdem, Country Chair, Shell Turkey
- Erkan Kafadar, CEO, Borusan Holding
- Kıvanç Zaimler, President of the Energy Working Group, TÜSİAD