Name: Füsun Ülengin
Title: Professor
SU Webpage: http://myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/fulengin/ozgecmis/
Research Activities:
Prof. Ülengin's research activities include logistics, supply chain management, transportation models, transport interactions with climate change, and energy problems
Selected Publications:
Ekinci, Y., Uray, N., Ulengin, F., Duran, C. (2018), “A Segmentation Based Analysis for Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Maritime Transportation”, SSN 1648-4142 / eISSN 1648-3480, 2018 Vol. 33(1): pp.104–118, doi:10.3846/16484142.2015.1079800
Ülengin F., Işık M., Önsel Ekici Ş., Özaydın Ö., Kabak Ö., Topçu İ. (2018) Policy developments for the reduction of climate change impacts by the transportation sector, Transport Policy, 61, 36-50 Önsel, S., Kabak, O., Ulengin, F. (2016) , “Linking to Compete: Logistics and Global Competitiveness Interaction, accepted to be published in Transport Policy.
Onan, K., Ulengin, F., Sennaroglu, B. (2015), “An Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Disaster Waste Management: A Case Study of Istanbul, Turkey”, Expert Systems With Applications 42, 8850–8857.
Çekyay, B., Toktaş, P., Kabak, Ö., Ülengin, F., Özaydın, Ö., Ülengin, B. (2017), “Analysis of the impact of bilateral and transit quotas on Turkey's international trade by road transport: An integrated maximum flow and gravity model approach”, Research in Transportation Economics, available on line.
Bilir C., Önsel Ekici Ş, Ülengin F., (2017) “An Integrated Multi-Objective Supply Chain Network and Competitive Facility Location Model” Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI) 108 ; 136–148
Cinicioglu, E.N., Ulusoy, G., Ekici, S.O., Ulengin, F. , Ulengin, B. (2017), Exploring the Interaction between Competitiveness of a Country and Innovation Using Bayesian Networks, Innovation and Development, 7(2), 175-209.
Teoman, S., Ülengin, F. (2016), “The impact of management leadership on quality performance throughout a supply chain: An empirical study”, Production tracking number: CTQM 1266244
Ozgur Kabak, Fusun Ulengin, Bora Çekyay, Sule Onsel, Ozay Ozaydın (2016) , “Critical Success Factors for the Iron and Steel Industry in Turkey: A Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach”, Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.
Ulengin F., Cekyay B., Palut P.T., Ulengin B., Kabak O., Ozaydin O., Ekici S.O. (2015) Effects of quotas on Turkish foreign trade: A gravity model, Transport Policy, 38, 1-7.
Ülengin, F., Önsel, S., Aktas, M., Kabak, Ö., Özaydın, Ö. (2014) A decision support methodology to enhance the competitiveness of the Turkish automotive industry, European Journal of Operational Research, 210(3), pp.789-801.