Name: Ali Koşar
Title: Professor, Co-Director of Center of Excellence for Functional Surfaces and Interfaces
E-mail: ali.kosar@sabanciuniv.edu
SU Webpage: http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/~kosara/
Research Activities:
Prof. Koşar is one of pioneers in the design and development of new generation micro heat sinks and microfluidic devices. His research interests cover heat and fluid flow in micro/nano scale, boiling, cavitation, and their biomedical and energy applications. He aims at contributing to the literature by removing the lack of information about micro/nano scale heat transfer and fluid flow and providing experimental data, design guidelines, and new protoypes for futuristic cooling, energy and biomedical applications. He has broad experience and knowledge on various types of experiments on heat and fluid flow and phase change phenomena in micro/nano scale. The results of his research have already generated more than 100 submitted/published journal articles, which have been published in prestigious journals. Moreover, he also has more than 60 conference papers in prestigious and well attended international conferences and gave over 60 seminars and invited lectures/talks at various institutions and conferences. He has 3 granted patents and 5 pending patent applications.
Selected Publications:
Energy Harvesting in Small Scale: Ghorbani, M., Mohammadi, A., Motezakker, A.R., Villanueva, G.L., Leblebici, Y., and Kosar, A.," Energy Harvesting in Micro Scale with Cavitating Flows," ACS Omega, 2 (10), pp. 6870–6877, 2017.
Micro and nanostructured surfaces for electronics cooling: Sadaghiani, A.K., Parapar, S., Saadi, N.S., Keskinoz, M., Karabacak, T., and Kosar, A., "Boiling heat transfer performance enhancement using micro and nano structured surfaces for high heat flux electronics cooling systems," Applied Thermal Engineering, 127, pp. 484-498 2017.
Nanoparticles for energy efficiency: Karimzadehkhouei, M., Sezen, M., Sendur, K., Menguc, P., and Kosar, A., “Subcooled Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of γ-Al2O3/Water Nanofluids in Horizontal Microtubes and the Effect of Surface Characteristics and Nanoparticle Deposition,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 127, pp. 536-546, 2017.
Nanoparticles for thermal performance enhancement: Karimzadehkhouei, M., Shojaeian,M., Sendur, K., Menguc, P., and Kosar, A., “The Effect of Nanoparticle Type and Nanoparticle Mass Fraction on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Pool Boiling,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109, pp. 157-166, 2017.
New generation coatings for energy efficiency: Sadaghiani, A.K., Motezakker, A.R., Ozpinar, A.V., Ozaydin-Ince, G., and Koşar, A., "Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of inclined pHEMA (polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate) coated surfaces," Journal of Heat Transfer, 139(11):111501, 2017.
Increasing the stability of new generation fluids for energy efficiency: Karimzadehkhouei, M., Ghorbani, M., Sezen, M., Sendur, K., Menguc, P., Leblebici, Y., and Kosar, A., “Increasing the Stability of Nanofluids with Cavitating Flows in Micro Orifices,” Applied Physics Letters, 109 (10), 104101, 2016.
New generation fluids for energy efficiency: Karimzadehkhouei, M., Yalcin, S.E., Sendur, K., Menguc, P., and Kosar, A., “Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluids in Horizontal Microtubes,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 67, pp.37-47, 2015.
Energy Harvesting in small scale: Cikim, T., Gozuacik, D., and Koşar, A.," Power reclamation efficiency of a miniature energy harvesting device using external fluid flows," International Journal of Energy Research,38, pp.1318-1330, 2014.
The effect of slip flow conditions and size effects on entropy generation: Shojaeian, M. and Koşar, A., "Convective Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation Analysis on Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluid Flows between Parallel-plates under Slip Boundary Conditions," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 70, pp. 664-673, 2014.
Energy efficient biomedical treatment: Itah, Z., Oral, O.,Sesen, M., Perk, O.Y., Erbil, S., Demir, E., Ekici, I.D., Ekici, S.,Kosar, A.,and Gozuacik, D., "Hydrodynamic Cavitation Kills Prostate Cells and Ablates Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Tissues," Experimental Biology and Medicine, 238 (11), 2013.